Comprehensive Land Use Plan

Comp Plan Cover

The Comprehensive Land Use Plan (or "Comp Plan") is the primary source of policies related to the future growth and development of Troutdale. 

Policies established by the Comp Plan provide the purpose and intent of the standards in the Troutdale Development Code. In other words, the Comp Plan paints the big picture while the Code contains the details.


About the Comp Plan

Who reviews the Comp Plan?
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is the primary group in Troutdale identified by the Comp Plan to review the plan on a regular basis. By practice, Planning Commission also performs an annual review. City Council reviews and approves any amendments to the Comp Plan.

When was the Comp Plan approved?
The current plan was last amended in 2014 after undergoing a multi-year "Periodic Review" with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). 

What's in the Comp Plan?
The Comp Plan consists of 12 locally adopted goals (see note 1 below) that are consistent with Oregon statewide land use planning goals and the Metro Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. The goals include:

  • Goal 1: Citizen Involvement
  • Goal 2: Land Use
  • Goal 5: Open Spaces, Scenic & Historic Areas, and Natural Resources
  • Goal 6: Air, Water, and Land Resources Quality
  • Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards
  • Goal 8: Recreational Needs (note 2)
  • Goal 9: Economic Development
  • Goal 10: Housing (note 3)
  • Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services (note 4)
  • Goal 12: Transportation (note 5)
  • Goal 13: Energy Conservation
  • Goal 14: Urbanization

What is the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Map?
The "Comp Plan Map" accompanies the plan by assigning land use designations identified by Goal 2 to all areas within the city limits. It is a unique map that is different than the Zoning District Map. The map has regulatory authority and can only be amended by approval of the City Council.

How is the Comp Plan Map different from the Zoning District Map?
Much as the Comp Plan is "big picture" in nature, the Comp Plan map is "big picture" as well. It may designate a general classification of "commercial" to a property. The zoning district map would further assign that property to a specific commercial zoning district, such as "neighborhood commercial".



Note 1: There are 19 state land use planning goals, however seven of them do not apply locally.

Note 2: The policies for Goal 8 are expected to be updated in 2023 with a future update of the Parks Master Plan.

Note 3: The policies for Goal 10 are expected to be updated in 2020 as a result of an ongoing Housing Needs Analysis.

Note 4: The policies for Goal 11 are expanded upon in a separate document called the Public Facilities Plan.

Note 5: Goal 12 references a separate document called the Transportation System Plan.